Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

This is a half day (approx 3-4 hours) training session aimed at those who may come into day to day contact with the above vulnerable groups. It is primarily aimed at care workers, healthcare professionals, those studying towards a career in the health and social care sector and may also be relevant to other interested individuals.

Course Content

Using case studies where appropriate (identities are withheld to protect the individual, unless the case is already legally in the public domain), it outlines what is required by the individual with specific reference to: The course attendee will also be able to: There will also be information given regarding exploring, using and exploitation of close partnership liaison across all social care groups to assist in the future protection of potentially vulnerable individuals.

This course costs £40.00 per person including VAT or we can deliver this course for £200.00 including VAT for a maximum of twelve attendees.

Please liaise with Open Airway to discuss prior to attending this course.
Course Details
Title: Safeguarding Children & Vulnerable Adults

Duration: Half Day

Fees: £40.00 PP
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